Top 10 Resilience Coaches
My Journey to Personal Resilience
Holistic and Intuitive Master Empowerment Life Coaching™
My name is Kelly Bazzani and it is both an honor and a privilege to share my story of resilience and to have this opportunity to empower you to do the same.
Resilience is Life’s Gift
(/rəˈzilyəns/) re·sil·ience
Top 10 Resilience Coaches
My Journey to Personal Resilience
Holistic and Intuitive Master Empowerment Life Coaching™
My name is Kelly Bazzani and it is both an honor and a privilege to share my story of resilience and to have this opportunity to empower you to do the same.
Resilience is Life’s Gift
(/rəˈzilyəns/) re·sil·ience
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”
― Brene Brown
I depend on a Power greater than me to get myself out of Ego and into a heart space, so that I can lead myself and others from a place of compassion.
― Kelly Bazzani

The Change will explore powerful thought-provoking insights from twenty inspiring co-authors that will take you on a journey of self-discovery and personal change that will touch every area of your life. You will learn how to weather the changes ahead and prosper. Chances are this book contains EXACTLY what you need to take your life to the next level.

A Certified Master Empowerment Coach™
Top Ten Best Resilience Coaches
Through Creativity, Integrity & Innovation
To promote emotional wellness, embody healing, and remove stigma from mental health and addiction.
To manifest healing and positive change for me and my clients so that we see the possibilities available to us in life, in a way that is aligned with integrity, embodiment and mindful service.
Join us to feel empowered, consciously present, and self-aware of how to become the pioneer of your future; release yourself today from being the prisoner of your past to create your own dreams and vision!

Let’s Come Together for Amazing Resilience Results
My current clients range in age from 7 to 73. My approach and ability to successfully help my clients navigate their lives and set healthy foundation principles is what makes me unique.
Join us as we go on this epic journey of how to own your power and the steps to take that leads you toward an incredible life of Maximum Resilience!

Let’s Come Together for Amazing Resilience Results
My current clients range in age from 7 to 73. My approach and ability to successfully help my clients navigate their lives and set healthy foundation principles is what makes me unique.
Join us as we go on this epic journey of how to own your power and the steps to take that leads you toward an incredible life of Maximum Resilience!

Real-life strategy to reach your goals.
You’ve been through it. It’s been piling on for a long time. You’ve been too overwhelmed with obligations to address any of it, and you’re too tired to, anyway, right?
I get it. I’ve been there. In fact, it’s possible I was there just last week. Because the world around us can be messy and chaotic, and sometimes it gets overwhelming.
That’s okay. Because life is also stunning in its beauty. Darkness does not diminish beauty simply because its driven light away. The beauty will be seen clearly again when darkness subsides. You were put here in this moment for a reason. And you deserve to experience it fully.
Here’s the secret: To experience internal peace is simply to be in alignment with one’s core values and beliefs